Friday, November 11, 2005

Up Early


I have often quoted,
"a man cannot learn what he does not know.
His mind has no room for which he is not prepared."
Now I can add another,
"a person will take away from any performance
whatever they most need or are most ready to receive."

Thus all 'teaching' is folly, and society's dictates
as to what a teacher, writer, manager is
is based on a false view of learning.

The best that one can do in such a role is create
the conditions (environment) in which one can teach themselves,
or at least explore the reach of their beliefs.

Perhaps, occasionally, one can 'plant the seed' of a new experience --
create a 'need' where one did not previously exist -- nudge spiritual growth.

Can it be that when a stranger comes to me and says, "why are you so happy?",
that I have accomplished more than all the classes I have ever taught?

That instead of speaking (teaching), if I just let a person know that they have truly been 'heard' that I can change their life? (correction - nurture their choice to change)



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