Monday, August 22, 2005

Performing at the Hermitage

I read in awe "The Wild Ride" by Simone. I found this piece as I make my way out of the labyrinth. I read the words, drawn into the Nightmare with each breath... I could see my own shinning black stallion manifest before my eyes.

I was off, hanging on for dear life...

The feeling of flight was great. I felt like a star...

"Just be who you are
You are born a star"
My stallion screamed.

As I arrived at the Hermitage, I was told by a Hermit that I have 5 minutes to present a performance for the Amazon Queen... what should I do with such little time?

Ah I remember... I can be who I am...
I always thought I could paint... but I never really tried.
I was told I couldn't... so I never dare tried...
I thought about it sometime... but mosting I just cried...
at how I fear even to try...

So I asked for some brushes and I started to paint...
I ended with a quote... & the canvas was no longer plain...

I painted a flower from the labyrinth...
I stared at it with pride.
Now that I have tried,
I was shinning in the night!


At 3:21 AM, Blogger Viridiana said...

You say you can´t paint Alex? I think this is stunning.

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Believer said...

Beautiful, Alex! Yes, we can do wonderful things when we try!


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